2025 Honoree
Congressman Chris Smith
Past Award Recipients

2024 Honoree
Helen M. Alvare
Robert A. Levy Endowed Chair in Law and Liberty at Antonin Scalia Law School
George Mason University

2023 Honoree
Mary Rice Hasson, J.D.
Ethics and Public Policy Center – Washington, DC

2020 Honoree
The Honorable William Barr

2019 Honoree (Inaugural Year)
Mr. Gerry Giblin
Knights of Malta & NCPB Board Member
ABOUT THE AWARD…. One can say the foundation of the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast, and a host of other Catholic apostolates, rests on an amalgam forged by the fire of the Holy Spirit. The first element being from Pope Saint John Paul II’s exhortation of the New Evangelization to “spread the Gospel in ways that are new in ardor, methods and expression”. The second element is from the charge he gave the laity in his 1988 Post-Synodal Exhortation Christifideles Laici for the lay faithful to answer the Lord’s call for individual missions “on behalf of the Church and the world” and “to stir and promote a deeper awareness among all the faithful of the gift and responsibility they share, both as a group and as individuals, in the communion and mission of the Church.”
Over the last generation, consider the launch and explosive growth of thousands of thriving apostolates, ministries, and charities tending to the needs of so many – especially in the areas of education and health care. It is stirring and inspiring to consider how many have answered the call of our Lord to serve in His vineyard.
The NCPB created the Christifideles Laici Award in 2019 to help highlight these good works and those who serve the Church so well. The Award reads: “In Honor and Gratitude for Fidelity to the Church, Exemplary Selfless and Steadfast Service in the Lord’s Vineyard.”
The Award itself is an original work commissioned by the NCPB and created by talented artist, Isaac Dell.